Plant-Based Protein Powder is Cleaner than Traditional Protein Powders

In active and health-focused Western countries, like the United States, protein intake is on a pedestal almost as high as regular exercise and activity. Workout addicts and health nuts are not the only people worried about eating enough protein. Parents are making sure their kids are eating it, food bloggers include it in most meals, and even restaurant servers ask if customers want to “add protein” to vegetarian or vegan food selections. In animal-product enthusiast cultures, protein is most likely associated with chicken, tuna, and eggs to achieve perceived “essential protein” every day. Those who choose to eat plant-based diets are continually asked, “But where do you get your protein?” Vegans and vegetarians who choose to boost their already sufficient protein intake can use plant-based protein powder. The best vegan protein powder supplements plant-based diets without removing the delicious taste or texture, while still helping achieve daily amounts of protein. This foc...