
Showing posts from September, 2017

A Few Tips for Starting a Vegan Diet

Popularity of the vegan lifestyle is skyrocketing as more and more Americans are realizing its benefits in achieving weight loss and skin improvement goals. A healthy vegan diet is more than simply abstaining from the use of animal products in your diet. Among other things, it includes selecting healthier alternatives, fortifying your diet with essential vitamins and supplements and incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains and nuts into a diet routine.  Here are a few tips for those considering a vegan diet and looking for a  vegan meal plan  that can help achieve individual health goals: 1. Include Vegetables Contrary to what is popular belief, it is not necessary to have meat for a balanced and tasty meal. Vegetable-based meals are not only delicious, but are also rich in vitamins (like A and K) and minerals (like potassium). Vegetable-heavy meals will naturally keep your calories in check and tend to be higher in fib...

A Vegan Diet Can Transform Your Lifestyle

Obesity is one of the most serious health concerns faced by people around the world, particularly in developed nations. In addition to heredity and over-eating, researchers have found that another major contributor to obesity is a high-protein and high-fat diets. Since nothing yields more protein and fat than animal-based foods, more and more Americans are turning to veganism to help achieve their health and fitness goals. Plant protein -based foods are uniquely low in saturated fat and, for this reason, top dietary consultants and weight-loss specialists recommend adoption of a purely vegan diet. Unfortunately, many common misconceptions exist regarding the taste and variety of available vegan foods. Vegan foods include a wide variety of tasty fruits, vegetables, beans, grains and other plant-based foods. Each of these foods is healthy, delicious and offers significant health benefits. Entire websites, apps, cookbooks and blogs are dedicated to supporting vegans in...

How a Vegan Lifestyle Helps Build Muscle

Rich Roll trains four hours each day and eats only plant-based foods. Rich is 46 years old and fitter than he has ever been. Robert Cheeke has been building vegan muscle for nearly 25 years and his favorite foods are Indian, Thai, Japanese and Ethiopian. Torre Washington has been a proud vegan since a pivotal day in 1998, getting stronger and leaner with each passing day and without supplements.  Stories of successful vegan athletes are plentiful but what makes the above examples so remarkable is that each of these men is a world-class competitive bodybuilder. A common misconception is that, for building significant muscle mass, a serious athlete must rely upon proteins such as beef, chicken, bison, eggs and other animal-based foods. Reasons for adopting the vegan lifestyle often include ethical or environmental concerns, but these successful bodybuilders found that it can also seriously raise an athlete’s game by uniquely strengthening muscles. As they have proven, a natural...